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✯✯ The Abstract Submission is now Closed 
✯✯ The presenting author must have registered for the Conference.
✯✯ Please check with the Registration details listed in dashboard section before submitting abstract since these details can't be changed once abstract is submitted.
✯✯ Stay tuned for more updates

Guidelines for uploading final E-Poster / Paper  


Oral presentation for the conference has been allocated 7 minutes of effective presentation time, plus 2 minutes given to Q/A and 1-minute turnaround time between speakers

Language: Presentation must be entirely English

PowerPoint Instructions

➣ For MS-PowerPoint presentations, please use the following versions only: PP 2010 or higher
➣ We recommend to the PPT/PPTX format instead of PPS
➣ All videos or animations in the presentation must run automatically!
➣ The first slide should display the title of the presentation ,name of the presenter and credentials
➣ Only fonts that are included in the basic installation of MS-Windows will be available (English version of Windows). Use of other fonts not included in Windows can cause wrong layout/style of your presentation. Suggested fonts: Arial, Times New Roman.
➣ Avoid using shades of the background color for titles or details.
➣ Avoid commercial endorsements.
➣ Test your presentation ahead of time. Make sure it is easy to read from an appropriate distance, and that everything is in the proper order.
Videos - Make sure they are in appropriate format which will play during presentation

Images – Good quality images can be used

Total slides allowed is 8 (maximum)

Presentation time restrictions will be strictly followed.

The presenter will be provided with an LED screen

Presenters are requested to upload your presentation

Click here

The deadline for presentation submission: 21.10.2022

The time slot for all the presentations with the presenter's name will be updated on our website by 22.10.2022 The participants will be informed accordingly.

For more details please visit:



Poster size and orientation

➣ Layout: Landscape
➣ Size of Poster:
➣ 16:9
➣ DPI 300 pixels/inch or more
➣ File Size: the maximum file size is 4 Megabytes (4MB).
➣ File Format: Save your file as a JPG in order to upload your e-Poster.
Essential Information to Include on E-Poster

1. Poster should be written ONLY in English language.

2. Title of the E-Poster (should be brief and match with the submitted abstract)

3. Names and affiliations of all authors (each author to be marked with superscript Arabic number (such as 1, 2) with their corresponding institute affiliation and their addresses.

4. The logo of the affiliated institution/university should be placed on the upper left hand corner

5. Arial font should be used throughout the poster with such clarity that it could be read from 1.5 meters distance. The title and subheadings should be written in bold. Italics should be avoided as it would be harder to read from a distance.

6. Recommended fonts: Times New Roman, Calibri or Arial. Other fonts may have cross-operating system display issues.

7. Recommended font size: 32pt or larger.

8. Please be considerate when using colors for the presentation, keep only 2-3 colors as this would be a formal scientific poster presentation. Please select background colors that contrast well with the font to allow easier reading of your text. Avoid background with bright or dark color and full of texture as this will distract readers.

9. Make sure that any photographs or figures being used in the poster are with sufficient size so that they are clearly visible, with a minimum 300-dpi resolution. The number of photographs should be limited to only those that are essential and relevant for the poster (preferable not exceeding 4-6 photos). Do not submit any photographs or pictures that are not relevant to the text, such as cartoon characters, etc. Photographs for case report presentation should be in standard quality for all extra-oral/intra-oral photos and pre-treatment/post-treatment photos. Radiographs view must be in good quality and have minimal distortion.

10. Media: Pictures, graphs and tables can be included in the e-Poster.

11. Multimedia: videos and music cannot be included in the e-Poster.

Presenters are requested to upload your presentation

Click here

The deadline for presentation submission: 21.10.2022

The time slot for all the presentations with the presenter's name will be updated on our website by 22.10.2022 The participants will be informed accordingly.

For more details please visit: