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Abstract Guidelines

Abstract Submission for free Paper and E-Posters

ABSTRACT Guidelines

➣ Abstracts should represent the original work.
➣ Informative abstracts and critical abstracts are accepted.
➣ The Abstract should be written in English.
➣ Last date for Submission – October 10, 2022
To facilitate the submission process and the subsequent follow-up process, please consider the following guidelines, information, and deadlines mentioned.

➣ Title of the presentation
➣ Author details including Presenting author details( email id, & mobile number )
➣ An abstract is a single paragraph, without subheadings, indentation, or references.
➣ It should be an explicit summary of your presentation that states the problem, the objectives, the methods used, and the major results and conclusions.
➣ It should be single-spaced in 12-point Times New Roman.
➣ Do not include bullets or lists in the abstract.
➣ The first part of your abstract should state the problem or issue you set out to solve and explain your rationale for pursuing the research.
➣ Your abstract should also describe the research methods. Next, your abstract should indicate the results or outcomes of the work you have done so far. Finally, your abstract should close with a statement of the project’s implications and contributions to its field.
➣ The content of the abstract will be the basis for acceptance of a paper or poster presentation at the conference.
➣ The abstracts will be reviewed, and authors will be informed about acceptance for presentation via email.
➣ Be sure to adhere to the word limit for the abstract (250 words). The abstract should be submitted in the format of an MS Word (.doc or .docx) document.
Please send your biography together with the abstract using the following format:

1. Full name (Name for the Certificate)
2. Position /department/College
4. Contact information (address, contact/mobile number, email address)
5. Preferred Presentation Category: (Oral presentation/ Poster presentation)*
* Note – The final category for presentation will be decided by the scientific committee
6. Author Category: (Students / Delegate)
7 . KMC Registration Number
8. Co -author details


• Once you prepared your abstract according to the above guidelines,
• Submit your abstract to imaksbmedicon2022@gmail.com
• After submission, you will be acknowledged for the receipt of the abstract via email/SMS within three working days.
• Documents that do not conform to the guidelines will be asked to revise.
• Documents received after the given deadline, due to any reason will not be accepted unless the deadline is extended.